How to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen
How to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen

how to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen

He did not take Jared's attempts to be the top Pokemon GO player in the office well.To his credit, he took the experience to heart and learned to be a better person. While he works to help overly macho men not be socially disruptive, it was his own over-the-top machismo that broke his marriage apart.No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Raises his children to be responsible, has to share his house with a big millipede.No Celebrities Were Harmed: Stated to be physically based on Brock Lesnar.My Future Self and Me: The Commander does this - and kicks his own ass - in order to impress Jonesy.He insists it's the manliest way to be pantsless. Getting over that instinct has been a big part of his maturing as an individual. Love Martyr: He's been one in the past.Lantern Jaw of Justice: Manly and square.Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Is this by default with pretty much any woman, but especially with his rail-thin spacefuture ex-girlfriend.Evidently the Bran-Dao is a popular religion among macho spacefuture types. Hero-Worshipper: Of Marlon Brando, in a very literal sense.

how to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen

  • Heroes Want Redheads: Both his ex-wife and current Love Interest Jonesy have red hair.
  • Going Commando: At least when he wears the kilt.
  • Later comics describe his voice as "gargling tar" and the Commander mentions that sometimes he'll tell fast food attendants at drive-throughs that he's Beetlejuice and Tom Waits on a road trip.
  • Funetik Aksent: Tends ta speak kinda informally, yanno? Coelasquid suggests that his voice sounds a bit like John DiMaggio as Bender or Michael Keaton in Beetlejuice.
  • In the actual comic, he has five-fingered hands.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Only in this old concept art ◊.
  • Ĭommander: *while his guts are spilling out, deliriously* Do we got all th' kids back?
  • Combat Pragmatist: the Commander doesn't believe in adhering to the rules of turn-based combat in a random battle.
  • Carpet of Virility: Next to his speech pattern, his hairy chest is his most noticeable feature.
  • It's the reason Angel picked him for her annual survival derby.
  • He's very proud of his ability to make fruit preserves.
  • His superiors actually hate his soft center since they wanted him to be a cynical antihero.
  • One of his central beliefs is the idea that you don't need to be a cynical brute to be manly, something he tries to impart to the guys he handles at the agency. Is he an understanding boss and father figure to Jared? Three for three.
  • Big Eater: So much so that he deliberately avoided telling the firm about an all-you-can-eat breakfast joint so that they wouldn't go out of business.
  • Bishōnen: After contracting Nomura Syndrome by getting scratched by Nier.
  • Berserk Button: He ain't no propane peddler.
  • The Commander himself apparently thinks he sounds like Beetlejuice and Tom Waits.
  • Badass Baritone: Gackt described his voice as sounding like he was "gargling tar".
  • Awesome Mc Coolname: Justified, given he was created to be a public figure.
  • Artificial Human: Claims to have been synthesized from soil and meat.
  • Animal Motifs: Coelasquid mentioned in a Tumblr post that his face has become more and more bison-like over time.
  • And he's no longer dating anyone in his old squad, but they're all friends. It helps that he's largely outgrown the issues that caused their divorce in the first place.
  • Amicable Exes: He's on good terms with his ex-wife Maddy.
  • how to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen

    Ambiguously Brown: Self-described as ambiguously brown, no less.Action Dad: "The best kind of father, obviously.".He's friends with / in a casual relationship with Jonesy, a mentor to Jared, a rival of Canadian Guy, and a much less abrasive and much more patient guy than first impressions would suggest - he believes that the key to true manliness is confidence and commitment to goals. Divorced, with two kids (Sammy and June). Claims to have been synthesized from American soil and steak. "I can pretty much guarantee the guy with the loudest mouth is th' one with the most issues deep down."Ī US Navy TiALS (Time Air Land Sea) operative from the future who now operates a temp agency for ludicrously macho guys.

    How to fix pokemon raptor ex full screen